Sunday 22 May 2016

Week 8 - 16 Mayy 2016 to 22 May 2016

No doctor appointment this week. However, i managed to wash my own hair on thursday!! Achievement  unlocked! YAY!

This post will be a reflection post and what i learnt from the past weeks.

1) my cast and sling is a good conversation starter.
2) Many people had their bones broken before. From taxi driver, to Grab driver, to hairdresser.
3) People compared their sprains with the fracture. I have to say the pain level is vastly different. I sprained my ankle last year, and the pain was nowhere near fracture. I had a grade 2 sprain and managed to hike up and down a mountain. No way am i able to do that with a fracture.
4) Sympathy from plenty
5) Life still goes on with one arm. Improvise and things will be easier
6) Showering is tough but is do-able without wrapping up the cast with plastic wrap.
7) You dont get seats offered on mrt and bus oftern.
8) I will always take multiple looks at people whom i saw with a cast on their arm.
9) I will notice people with a cast and sling
10) my family are very good to me.
11) I am wary of slippery surfaces.
12)  I dont have much pain.

All is not too bad with my fracture. With my fracture, i was able to leave work earlier and start work later. Leaving work earlier, i was able to go back to my parents' place and play with my nieces and spend time with my parents.

As a newly wed, there is presure, both from society and myself that i should not always be at my parent's place. However with my injury, i have legitiamte reasons to be at my parent's home as that is a place i can recuperate comfortably when i leave early from work. To be frank, I am still getting used to my inlaw's place and being able to go to my own parents' place everyday after work, made me really happy. I think this injury is a blesing in disguise for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, how are you getting on now? I'm 50, but like you seeing no sign of call us at 7.5 weeks and feeling a bit useless. Need to work on mobilising my arm as my elbow has really stiffened up. I'd be interested to hear what happened to you next.
